West Lancs Mark supports the Grand Stewards and Grand Rams
The 8th and 9th of December saw a large contingent of West Lancs Mark men travel south to support our brethren who have been honoured as Grand Stewards and Grand RAMs.
Tony Harrison, Keith Beardmore & Peter Connolly
John Bicknell, John Forster & Bob McGown. Cheers!
Peter & Keith congratulate new Grand Steward, Ken Boon
Ken Boon, Grand Steward
Ian & Keith congratulate Ken on Grand Steward rank
Grand Stwd new master - advanced in Morecambe!
Monday was a fine affair as the Grand Stewards Lodge meets at 86 St James, head office of the Mark Degree. Ken Boon and Mike Beesley are the new recipients of the great honour of being made Grand Stewards, and becoming members of this very prestigious Lodge of Grand Stewards. Mike was unfortunately not able to attend due to family illness, but we toasted his success in his absence, with Ken Boon. The Installation ceremony was performed superbly by our Deputy Grand Master, Keith Emmerson.
Ross Kinder, Keith Beardmore & Ian Nairn
Guest Giles Berkley, with Phil Gunning
John Bicknell, Geoff Bury & Eric Drinkwater, all leaning.
Bob McGown, John Forster & Andrew Ross
Tony Harrison, Bill Cropper & Geoff Caterall
New WM - Rt W Bro Edmondson from Morecambe Mark
The new WM, Rt. W Bro Edmondson, was advanced into Morecambe Mark Lodge some 64 years ago, and had the West Lancs table front and centre at the festive board, acknowledging his roots to great applause. The meal was superb, and the company even better, as we all enjoyed our trip south.
Tegwen Drinkwater, Sue Cropper, Sandra Berkley & Lynne
The Farmers Club was the venue after the Lodge!
And the next day, Covent Garden with Port....
PGM congratulates new Grand RAM Stephen Wadsworth
And new Grand RAM Brian Davey with Peter Connolly
Neil Brown was also honoured, second from the left
The next day saw us all move to Great Queen Street for a packed meeting of the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, with our new Pro Grand Master in charge of the proceedings, Most Worshipful Bro Richard Victor Wallis.
Peter Taylor was also honoured, with Keith and Peter
PGM with Rod Bennison & Brain Davey
Peter thanks David Fairclough for his support
Michael Clarke enjoys John Forster's company
John Forster, Eric Drinkwater,
Ian Nairn, Paul Snape, Keith Beardmore,
Rod Bennison and Paul Snape
Graham Bailey & Geoff Caterall
West Lancashire recipients of RAM Grand rank were Sydney Blake, Neil Brown, Brian Davey, Brian Skinner, Stephen Wadsworth, and Peter Taylor.  We all applauded loudly as they met the Pro Grand Master to receive their new collar. The festive board was brilliant, with 31 West Lancs Mark men there to support, as well as some others who did not stay to the meal. Wonderful support for our new Grand Officers! 
A great celebration for our Province
Keith Beardmore, Brian Davey & Ian Nairn
Ian Nairn, Ken Alker, Graham Bailey & Ross Kinder
Ernie Waites with Bob McGown
Keith congratulates Neil Brown on his appointment
Peter Connolly with Bob Norris,
1st & 2nd Constables in KT
The pictures show the wonderful atmosphere of these 2 days in London, and everyone looks forward to doing it all again next year.
Craft and Mark PGMs together, enjoying the evening!
Words and Photographs by Giles Berkley